Basic Listing
For basic listing all companies are listed in uniform
blue colors
whether in
the alphabetical grouping, category index, or states in Nigeria where your head office or branches are located.
Same is for the keyword search in which companies are found by visitors using keywords to search
for companies. Note: For basic listing only customers who buy the directory can have password to contact you. We recommend you choose Enhanced Listing so that everyone can contact you without buying directory.
Basic Listing Price is
now FREE.
Enhanced Listing
The enhanced listing is the type in which
you are encouraged to have your company listed in
bold red colors which makes you easily noticed
in the
crowed of other companies. Second, if
you have a
website your
website URL
appear along
side your
Third, your profile page becomes accessible free without password, this means all
over 20,000 weekly visitors
to the directory site can see your contact details and contact you without buying
the directory.
Enhanced Listing Price is
N20,000 ($135),
one payment - life time validity.
Benefits of Enhanced Listing
1. Enhanced
makes your
company appear in
bold red colors and easily
in the
crowed of
If you
have a
your website
URL will
also appear along
side your
listing at
the group
With enhanced listing, your
profile page and contact details will become accessible Free to our
over 20,000 weekly visitors
without password and without buying the directory. That way you draw
all the attention and contacts to yourself.